(A)   Improprieties. It is of the utmost importance that there shall be strict observance of all of the proprieties of the cemetery, whether embraced in the city code or not, as no improprieties shall be allowed, and the city shall have the power to prevent improper assemblages.
   (B)   Use of walks. Persons within the cemetery grounds shall use the avenues, walks, alleys and roads provided as much as possible.
   (C)   Safety. The city shall owe no duty to the plot owner to keep the property, or the memorial thereon, in a reasonably safe condition.
   (D)   Children. Children under 15 years shall not be permitted within the cemetery or its buildings unless accompanied by an adult.
   (E)   Hunting. No hunting is allowed in the cemetery.
   (F)   Smoking. Expectorating or smoking within any of the cemetery buildings is prohibited.
   (G)   Littering. The throwing of rubbish on the drives and paths, or any part of the ground, or in the buildings, is prohibited. Receptacles for waste material are located at convenient places.
   (H)   Motorized vehicles. Motorized vehicles shall not be driven through the grounds at a speed greater than the posted speed limit and must always be kept on the right-hand side of the cemetery roadway. Motorized vehicles are not allowed to park or to come to a full stop in front of an open grave unless such vehicles are in attendance at the funeral. Motorized vehicles are not allowed to drive on any grass areas unless approved by the sexton.
   (I)   Peddling or soliciting. Peddling of flowers or plants, or soliciting the sale of any commodity, is prohibited within the confines of the cemetery. Solicitation of any kind is strictly forbidden at any time in the cemetery without the approval of the city.
   (J)   Firearms. No firearms shall be permitted within the cemetery except on special permit from the sexton. The American Legion and other military, police and fire organizations that routinely perform interment ceremonies requiring the use of firearms shall be exempt from this section.
   (K)   Pets. Pets shall not be allowed on the cemetery grounds or in any buildings.
(Prior Code, § 12-1-5) (Ord. 05-691, passed 1-19-2005; Ord. 09-732, passed 2-18-2009) Penalty, see § 91.99