(A)   On or after February 1, 1993, any vehicle which does not display a proper landfill use permit will be denied access to the municipal landfill.
   (B)   Any person who violates any provision of this chapter or any regulations adopted hereunder shall:
      (1)   Pay a fine of $250 for each violations; and
      (2)   Pay and hold the town harmless from any actual damages, including fines, suffered by the town as a result of such violation(s).
   (C)   Officials and employees of the town shall refuse to permit any vehicle to deposit refuse in a disposal area maintained by the town if said vehicle contains, in whole or in part, refuse not authorized to be disposed of in such area under the terms of this chapter.
   (D)   Any person who knowingly disposes of refuse containing items designated as recyclables shall be required to remove the load deposited and separate recyclables according to the state statutes in effect. The person will be suspended from the solid waste facility and his or her permit revoked until the deposited load is separated or removed.
   (E)   The First Selectman or designated representative, prior to allowing disposal, may inspect or cause to be inspected any vehicle(s) and/or containers of refuse to verify the source and class of each load of refuse brought to the town solid waste disposal area.
   (F)   If any permittee, its agent or employee, fails or refuses, upon request of the First Selectman or his or her designated representative, to allow the inspection specified in division (E) above, as to any load or container of refuse, the permittee, its agent or employee shall not be permitted to dispose of the refuse on the vehicle in the disposal area and shall be ordered to remove the vehicle from the area immediately.
   (G)   All permittees shall obey all the orders and directions of agents of the town employed or in charge of town-maintained disposal area and shall comply with all regulations issued by the Board of Selectmen on the collection of refuse and disposal thereof in the town disposal areas.
(Ord. passed 9-21-1994)
Statutory reference:
   Regulations regarding recycling, see Conn. Gen. Stat. § 22a-241b