The following provisions shall apply to the November 1997 regular municipal election and all subsequent regular municipal elections.
(A) At each regular municipal election, the town shall elect a First Selectman, who shall be town agent, and two other Selectmen. The First Selectman and two other Selectmen, so elected, shall constitute the Board of Selectmen.
(B) No candidate may be a candidate for both the office of the First Selectman and that of Selectman by virtue of nomination by a major or minor party or a nominating petition or registration of a write-in candidacy, or any combination thereof.
(C) Each elector may vote for one candidate for the office of First Selectman and two candidates for the office of Selectman.
(D) Votes cast, including any valid write-in votes, for an unsuccessful candidate for First Selectman shall not be counted as votes for that candidate as a member of the Board.
(E) The provisions of Conn. Gen. Stat. § 9-167a shall apply to the election of Selectmen, provided that for the purpose of determining minority representation, the total membership of the Board shall be deemed to include the First Selectman.
(Ord. passed 5-8-1996)