For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates, or requires, a different meaning.
   HAWKERS and PEDDLERS. Includes any person, either principal or agent, who:
      (1)   Travels from town to town, or from place to place, in the same town selling or bartering, or carrying for sale or barter, or exposing therefor, any goods, wares, or merchandise, either on foot or vehicle;
      (2)   Travels from town to town, or place to place in the same town, offering to perform personal services for household repairs or improvements, or solicits or induces any person to sign any contracts relating to household repairs and improvements, including contracts for the replacement or installation of siding on any residence building; and
      (3)   Keeps a regular place of business, open during regular business hours at the same location, but who offers for sale, or sells and delivers, personally or through his or her agents, at a place other than his or her regular place of business goods, wares, or merchandise.
   ITINERANT VENDORS. All persons, principals, and agents, including those persons whose principle place of business is not in this state, who engage in a temporary or transient business in this state, either in one locality or traveling from place to place, selling goods, wares, and merchandise, with a total value greater than $500 from stock or by sample for future delivery, and who, for the purpose of carrying on such business, hire or occupy a temporary place of business. A TEMPORARY PLACE OF BUSINESS means any public or quasi-public place including, but not limited to, a hotel, motel, storeroom, building, part of a building, tent, vacant lot, or trailer temporarily occupied for the purpose of making retail sales of goods to the public.
(Ord. 880, passed 7-20-2009)