(A) Definition. For the purpose of this section, the following definition shall apply unless the context clearly indicates, or requires, a different meaning.
ALLOWABLE BURNABLE ITEMS. Natural brush and limbs, bush trimmings and flower clippings, grass and leaves.
(B) Grass. The village recommends that the grass clippings be left upon the yard or composted. If residents choose to bag the clippings, the village shall collect bags under the following conditions.
(1) The village shall only accept grass clippings placed in specially marked village bags.
(2) The village shall only collect bags placed on the curb at the front of the residence.
(C) Brush. Pick up and disposal of brush shall be as follows.
(1) The village shall only accept brush from the routine trimming of trees and shrubbery that are cut in lengths not exceeding four feet, and placed at the curb or front of the residence.
(2) The village shall collect small trimmings, garden refuse, and vines that are placed in specially marked village bags.
(3) The village shall not accept brush intermingled with grass and loose leaves.
(4) The village shall only collect bags placed on the curb at the front of the residence.
(D) Leaves. Pick up and disposal of leaves shall be as follows.
(1) The village shall only collect un-bagged leaves during the fall season.
(2) The village shall give notice as to the collection period.
(3) The village shall only collect leaves that are raked to the curb at the front of the residence for collection.
(4) The village shall only accept bagged leaves placed in specially marked village bags.
(Ord. 475, passed 7-1-2013)