(A)   Any customer of the Village Water and Sewer Department may request, in writing, that water service be curtailed for a specified length of time or indefinitely. Specific dates as to shut off and turn on are to be included in the request.
   (B)   An indefinite time request will require a written request for turn on of service. Written request forms may be completed at the Village Clerk’s office or at the Water and Sewer Department at 454 Huffman Drive.
   (C)   Water service to the requester’s property will be shut off at the curb stop and a reduction of the water and wastewater service portion of the monthly billing will be made. However, any applicable assessments will still apply. A turn on fee of $15 will be assessed to the following month’s bill.
   (D)   The minimum time period for curtailment of services will be 60 continuous days starting at the first day of the billing period after the property is vacated. Service will be turned on during the workday requested, weekends and holidays excluded.
   (E)   Emergency shut off for leaks, frozen pipes, or general repairs may be requested at any time, and there will be no charge for this service.
(Ord. 824, passed 2-21-2000)