(A)   Surplus property owned by the village that is determined by the Village Administrator, with approval of the Village Council, to no longer be needed for municipal purposes may be declared surplus and disposed of by any of the following methods:
      (1)   By sale by sealed bid to the highest and best bidder, following notice at least two weeks out of four weeks in a publication that is certain to give the best available coverage to the village;
      (2)   By live public auction;
      (3)   By internet auction. Notice of internet auction shall be posted on the village web site at least ten days prior to commencement of bidding;
      (4)   By sale to another governmental jurisdiction without the requirement of competitive bidding;
      (5)   By trade-in for credit at the time of the purchase of replacement property; provided that trade-in value is established separately from the purchase price of the replacement property, and can be verified to represent fair market value for the traded property;
      (6)   By sale for scrap value, or discarding, if the property can be shown to have minimal or no residual market value in its current form;
      (7)   By destruction upon the determination of the Village Administrator that the surplus property must be destroyed for public safety reasons; and
      (8)   By donation to an appropriate charitable organization with the approval of the Village Administrator.
   (B)   Disposal of all municipally-owned property that has been declared surplus, and to no longer be needed for municipal purposes, that has an estimated value greater than $5,000, or is a motor vehicle, may be disposed by any of the above methods with approval of the Village Council.
   (C)   The Village Administrator will compile a list of unneeded items for Council approval with the method for disposal. All monies generated from the sale of unneeded property will return to the division that the items came from. All property determined to be surplus and disposed of shall be fully documented and recorded for purposes of maintaining an accurate inventory of village-owned property.
(Ord. 877, passed 12-15-2008)