The location and size of manufactured dwelling-housing sites and structures within the manufactured dwelling-housing park shall be in accordance with the following provisions.
   (A)   Each manufactured dwelling-housing site shall have a clearly defined minimum area of 4,000 square feet, with a minimum lot width of 40 feet, and a minimum depth of 100 feet. The minimum width of corner lots, however, shall be 50 feet.
   (B)   Each manufactured dwelling-housing placed within the manufactured dwelling-housing park shall have a minimum of 600 square feet of floor space.
   (C)   There shall be a minimum clearance of 20 feet between the individual manufactured dwelling-housing or trailers.
   (D)   All manufactured dwelling-housing parks shall meet the village street requirements and specifications currently in effect.
   (E)   Walkways not less than three feet wide which may abut street pavement shall be provided from the manufactured dwelling-housing sites to the service buildings. Such walkways shall be constructed of concrete having a minimum thickness of four inches, and lighted by not less than three-tenths foot-candle of artificial light.
   (F)   Each manufactured dwelling-housing site shall be developed with a manufactured dwelling-housing stand of not less than ten feet by 50 feet, and such manufactured dwelling-housing stand shall be not less than ten feet from the manufactured dwelling-housing site boundary. The manufactured dwelling-housing stand shall be constructed of a minimum of six inches of concrete and provide at least two tie-down rings.
   (G)   Each manufactured dwelling-housing site shall be provided with a water outlet connected to the village, or an approved water supply and a connection to the village or an approved sewer system.
   (H)   Electricity, electrical outlets, and wiring shall be according to the current provisions of the National Electric Code published by the National Fire Protection Association.
   (I)   The park may provide service buildings, complying with all applicable building regulations, to house laundry facilities and supplemental toilet facilities. Outside laundry drying yards shall be enclosed with a six-foot high solid fence in a location associated with laundry facilities.
   (J)   The park shall be located on a well drained site, properly graded to ensure rapid drainage and freedom from stagnant pools of water.
   (K)   A safe, usable recreation area shall be conveniently located in each manufactured dwelling-housing park, the size of which shall be determined at 1,000 square feet per household or manufactured dwelling-housing.
   (L)   No manufactured dwelling-housing site shall be located closer to any street right-of-way line than 30 feet measured horizontally from the right-of-way line to the lot line of the manufactured dwelling-housing site.
   (M)   All telephone, electrical, and other distribution lines shall be installed in underground conduits. No overhead lines shall be permitted. All underground utilities, sanitary sewers and drainage structures installed in streets or access roads shall be constructed prior to the surfacing of such roads.
   (N)   Each manufactured dwelling-housing placed within the manufactured dwelling-housing park shall be skirted, entirely enclosing the bottom section within 90 days after its placement.
   (O)   The storage and collection of garbage and refuse within each manufactured dwelling-housing park shall be conducted so as to create no health hazards, rodent harborage, insect breeding areas, fire hazards, or air pollution. All garbage shall be stored in fly-tight, rodent proof containers, and shall be collected at least once weekly.
(Ord. 420, passed 3-4-1981; Ord. 538, passed 3-20-1995) Penalty, see § 154.999