A.   Appointment: The Mayor, with the consent of the City Council, shall appoint a duly authorized representative who shall be responsible for the enforcement of this chapter. If no such "Code Officer" is formally appointed, any City police officer or the Benewah County Sheriff or one of his duly constituted deputies and/or any authorized City employee or agent may serve as such authorized representative.
   B.   Notice Of Violation: Written notice of a violation of this chapter shall be served upon any adult occupying the real property upon which the nuisance is located; or upon a responsible party; or upon the owner of such real property, if known. If no occupant or other responsible party can be located, then a written notice shall be affixed to any building on the subject real property or posted to a place conspicuous on the property so as to be reasonably discovered by anyone coming upon the real property. In the event responsible parties are known, but have not been personally served a notice, in addition to posting notice, the parties may be served by certified mail to their last known mailing address. Any such notice shall constitute notice to the owner and/or occupant of the real property.
   C.   Contents Of Notice: The notice of nuisance shall contain the following:
      1.   The physical address of the property where nuisance is located.
      2.   A general description of the nuisance.
      3.   The date of sending/posting the notice.
   D.   Penalty:
      1.   If the nuisance remains on the property longer than three (3) days following notice of violation, it shall be an infraction and punishable as set forth in the general penalty section (section 1-4-1 of this Code).
      2.   If the nuisance remains for more than ten (10) days following notice of violation it will be a misdemeanor and punishable as set forth in section 1-4-1 of this Code.
      3.   In the event the nuisance remains for more than fifteen (15) days it will be a separate misdemeanor violation for every day thereafter. (Ord. 2018-723, 7-23-2018)