A.   Heavy Materials Or Vehicles: It is hereby unlawful for any person to:
      1.   Drag, push, pull or otherwise propel any poles, logs, ties, boards, or other pieces of timber, or heavy material, over any grades or otherwise improved streets within the city. (1977 Code § 12.04.030)
      2.   Drive, drag, pull, push or otherwise propel over or upon any graded or otherwise improved street within the city; or cause to be driven, dragged, pulled, pushed or propelled over the improved streets of the city, any drag rack, logging dray, or other heavy vehicle or machine or thing which will be destructive or tend to interfere with or injure the surface, base, or any part of such street or avenue of the city. (1977 Code § 12.04.040)
   B.   Propelling Vehicle Over Curb: It is unlawful for any person to back, push, or otherwise propel any auto, truck, wagon or any vehicle of any nature whatsoever over or across any curb on any of the streets and avenues of the city, or cause the same to be done, other than in a place specially provided for each purpose and, if so provided, it must be done pursuant to the rules and approval of the public works directors. (1977 Code § 12.04.050)
   C.   Coasting And Sleigh Riding: It is unlawful for any person to coast or slide with a sled, scooter, wagon, or any other vehicle or instrument or appliance upon any street or sidewalk within the city except that during the sleighing season certain streets and avenues of the city may be set apart and designated for the purpose of coasting and sleighing under such rules and regulations as shall be adopted by the city council. (1977 Code § 12.04.060)
   D.   Driving On Sidewalks: It is unlawful for any person to drive or cause to be driven any wagon, automobile, truck or any other vehicle of any kind or nature across any of the sidewalks of the city other than at a place specially constructed for such purpose. (1977 Code § 12.12.130)
   E.   Obstructions:
      1.   Gutters And Pipes: It is unlawful for any person to obstruct any of the gutters on any street within the city, or to obstruct any artificial carrier or conductor of any surface waters or to, in any manner, obstruct any pipe, drain, sewer or other carrier or conductor of surface waters or sewerage whether above or underneath any street or property within the city by placing thereon or therein any dirt, refuse, snow, ice or any other matter or thing which shall in any manner prevent the free discharge and drainage of water through, over or in such gutters, pipes or other carriers or drains. (1977 Code § 12.04.070)
      2.   Streets: It is unlawful for any person to in any manner obstruct any of the streets, or avenues within the city, by placing or leaving thereon any brick, rock or any other material which will have a tendency to obstruct or blockade the free use of such streets or avenues; provided, however, that nothing herein contained shall prevent the city council or the public works committee of the city from authorizing the use of such portions of any street or avenue as may be necessary for the piling of lumber and building material to be used in the actual construction of buildings, or in the repair or alteration of existing buildings. (1977 Code § 12.04.080; amd. Ord. 2014-692, 2-10-2014)