2.104.050   Public meetings.
   A.   Brown Act. The committee constitutes a "legislative body" under the provisions of the Ralph M. Brown Act, Government Code Sections 54950 et seq., and shall hold its meetings in accordance therewith.
   B.   Regular Meetings. The committee will normally hold its regular meetings on a weekday at a public building, at a predetermined time by the committee. The committee may continue a meeting from time to time, in which case notice of the time and place to which the meeting is continued shall be publicly announced prior to adjournment of the meeting, and no further notice will be required.
   C.   Cancellation of Regular Meetings. If any regular meeting is canceled, notice of this fact shall be given by an oral announcement by the chairperson at the previous regular meeting, and by posting a notice at or near the door of the meeting place at the time the regular meeting was to be conducted if the canceled meeting has already been properly noticed.
   D.   Committee Quorum and Committee Actions. A majority of the members of the committee shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. Provided that a quorum is present, the committee shall act according to the vote of the majority of the number of members present. A member of such a committee who disqualifies him or herself from voting, or who is disqualified by order of the committee, shall not count for purposes of constituting a quorum. If a member of the committee fails to vote, the member's non-action shall not be counted as either an affirmative or a negative vote.
   E.   Procedures. The committee may adopt such additional rules and procedures as are necessary to perform its duties. Except as otherwise provided by these additional procedures, or by statue, ordinance or resolution, all meetings shall be conducted in accordance with the parliamentary procedures set forth in the most recent edition of Roberts Rules of Order.
   F.   Roll Call Vote. Ordinarily, the chair shall determine the manner in which votes shall be taken. However, a roll call vote shall be taken whenever requested by any member in attendance. Such a request may be made before or immediately after a vote is taken in any other matter.
   G.   Place of Meetings. All meetings, whether held open sessions or executive sessions, shall be conducted in places that are freely accessible to physically handicapped persons. As appropriate, meetings may be held in different locations throughout the city. (Prior code § 60.19.174)