§ 151.62 LOT DESIGN.
   (A)   Lots. The size, shape and orientation of lots shall reflect due consideration for topography and drainage. Lots shall conform to the requirement of this chapter and, in addition, shall conform to the following provisions.
   (B)   Arrangement. Every lot must front for at least 35 feet on a public or private street. Insofar as practical, side lot lines shall be at right angles to straight lines or radial to curbed street lines.
   (C)   Lake frontage lots. Lake frontage lots shall have a minimum width as sold of 100 feet at the front building line. All other lots within 460 feet of the official pond level of the lakes within the town’s planning jurisdiction shall have minimum width as sold of 100 feet at the front building line.
   (D)   Area. All lots shall have an area of at least 15,000 square feet.
   (E)   Width. All lots shall have a minimum width at the building line of 80 feet and a minimum width at the street line of 35 feet. Corner lots shall have an extra width of ten feet to permit adequate setback from side streets.
   (F)   Depth. All lots shall have a minimum mean depth of not less than 110 feet. Single-tier lots shall have a mean depth of at least 125 feet.
   (G)   Orientation of lot lines. Side lot lines shall be substantially at right angles or radial to street lines.
   (H)   Easements. Utility and other easements shall be provided as follows.
      (1)   Utility and drainage easements centered on rear or side lot lines shall be provided where necessary and shall be at least 25 feet in width; or greater width if required for the installation and maintenance of the facility.
      (2)   Crosswalk easements of ten feet in width shall be provided when such area is required by the Planning Board.
      (3)   Where a subdivision is traversed by a watercourse, drainage way, channel or stream, there shall be provided a storm water easement or drainage right-of-way conforming substantially with the lines of such watercourse, and such further width or construction, or both, as will be adequate for the purposes. Parallel streets or parkways may be required in connection therewith.
   (I)   Buffer strips. It is required that a buffer be provided adjacent to a railroad, a limited access highway, and commercial or industrial developments.
   (J)   Storm water drainage.
      (1)   Where curbs and gutters are constructed, they shall be in accordance with the standards of the State Department of Transportation’s Guidelines for Curb Cuts and Ramps for Handicapped Persons.
      (2)   No surface water shall be channeled or directed into a sanitary sewer.
      (3)   Where feasible, the subdivider shall connect to an existing storm drainage system or stream.
      (4)   Where in existing storm drainage system cannot feasibly be extended to the subdivision, a surface drainage system shall be designed to protect the proposed development from water damage.
      (5)   Surface drainage courses shall have side slopes of at least three feet of horizontal distance for each one foot of vertical distance, and courses shall be of sufficient size to accommodate the drainage area without flooding. The minimum grade along the bottom of a surface drainage course shall be a vertical fell of at least one foot in each 200 feet of horizontal distance.
      (6)   Where a subdivision is traversed by a watercourse, drainage way, channel or stream, there shall be provided a storm water easement or drainage right-of-way conforming substantially with the lines of such watercourse, and such further width or construction, or both, as will be adequate for the purposes. Parallel streets or parkways may be required in connection therewith.
      (7)   Where storm sewers, drains and structures are installed, they shall be of a size and type, and location as required by the town. The minimum size of storm drains shall be 15 inches in diameter. The design frequency for storm sewer collectors shall be at a ten-year flood level with cross street frequency at a 25-year storm level. Storm drains carrying water from street right-of-way shall be placed along lot lines where feasible and shall extend for a distance of 35 feet minimum back of the building line. All off-street storm drains or extensions shall be installed initially by the subdivider or the responsibilities thereafter shall be transferred to the purchaser through the instrument of property transfer, which responsibility shall be clearly indicated on the final plat.
      (8)   Cross pipes under streets shall be constructed of State Department of Transportation approved plastic, reinforced concrete or asphalt coated corrugated metal.
      (9)   Culverts shall be provided to accommodate all natural water flow and shall be sufficient length to permit full width roadway and the required slopes. The size openings to be provided shall in no case be built less than 15 inches. Cross drains shall be built on straight line and grade shall be laid on a firm base, but not on rock. Pipes shall be laid with the spigot pointing in the direction of the flow and with the end filled and matched to provide tight joints and a smooth uniform invert. They shall be placed at a sufficient depth below the road bed to avoid dangerous pressure of impact, and in no case shall the top of the pipe be less than one foot below the road bed and shall be constructed of State Department of Transportation approved plastic, reinforced concrete or asphalt coated corrugated metal.
(1979 Code, § S-5-3) (Ord. passed 6- -1987)