Use of private entrances onto a public street or alley within the Village for the purpose of transporting landfill materials onto private lands from and after the passage of this chapter must comply with the following written regulations:
   (a)   Landfilling of private property shall be the responsibility of the owner of said property.
   (b)   A permit must be obtained from the Mayor if the Mayor determines, based upon the information in a written application which shall be made for said permit, that landfill materials are planned to be placed upon private land by means of one or more trucks for a period in excess of seven days or by means of more than three truckloads, whichever is the lesser.
   (c)   The Mayor shall establish terms and conditions of the permit such that the subject private entrance(s) onto public street(s) and/or alley(s) shall be used to haul landfill materials of a type that reasonably promote the use of the subject private land for its purpose under the Zoning Ordinance in effect at the issuance of said permit.
   (d)   Based upon the information in the required application for the permit as to the planned location of the private entrance(s) to be used for landfilling purposes, the planned weight of the truck(s) hauling the landfill, and the frequency and number of truckloads of landfill, the Mayor shall establish an amount of bond and shall require written evidence that the applicant has obtained said bond before issuing the permit, said bond to be set by the Mayor in an amount sufficient to insure the complete restoration of any pavement, graveled surface, drainage, shoulder, structure, sod, or other items in or on the rights of way of the subject street(s) and/or alley(s) disturbed by the permittee.
   (e)   The owner of the subject private property shall be responsible for the costs of landfilling, the permit, and the bond required for issuance of the permit.
      (Ord. 613. Passed 4-2-84.)
   (f)   Payment of the permit fee as set by Council in the Schedule of Rates and Fees shall be required upon application for the permit.
      (Ord. 20-1182. Passed 10-19-20.)
   (g)   For purposes of this section, “private entrance” means any place along the boundary of private property where actual physical access to said property is or may be made.
      (Ord. 613. Passed 4-2-84.)