Ord. No.   Date   Description
95      Accepts an alley in Mosier’s Allotment.
99   12-18-42   Accepts part of Orchard Island Rd.
107   1-7-43   Accepts 0.853 acres in the Village for a street.
166   5-21-51   Accepts the plat for Harbor View Allotment.
176   2-18-52   Accepts the plat of Krouskop Subdivision No. 2.
220   4-21-58   Approves the plat of Lake Manor.
255      Accepts the plat of Nathan Coon Allotments No. 1 and No. 2.
256      Accepts the plat of Silver Isle Allotment.
259   1-18-60   Designating land as a public playground.
260   2-15-60   Designating land as a public playground, excepting future well sites.
412   4-19-71   Accepts the plat of Towne House Subdivision.
448   11-20-72   Accepts the plat of a public right of way as presented by G. Coon.
497   2-9-76   Accepts the plat of a subdivision of Lot 1232 of Silver Isle Allotment.
702   6-15-87   Accepts the plat of .032 acres in Lot 46-124 of Bay Landings Allotment.