(a) Permitted in all zoning districts.
(b) System shall be ground, roof or wall mounted. Only one type of mounting shall be permitted per parcel.
(c) It is encouraged that the energy generated by a solar energy system is supplemental to the primary source.
(d) Location and/or Setbacks.
(1) Ground mounted.
A. Shall be located in the side or rear yard only and in accordance with the setbacks established for all accessory uses. In no instance shall the system be placed any closer to the street than the front of the main building on any lot.
B. Any portion of the structure shall not exceed a maximum of 6 feet in height.
(2) Roof mounted.
A. Shall be installed on the plane of the roof (flush mounted) or made part of the roof design and shall not extend above the ridgeline of the roof or extend beyond the existing roof width. In no instance shall the system extend greater than 18 inches from the roof’s surface.
(3) Wall mounted.
A. Shall be installed on the plane of the wall (flush mounted) or made part of the wall design. In no instance shall the system extend greater than 18 inches from the wall’s surface.
(e) Design.
(1) Ground mounted.
A. All conduits, plumbing lines and related appurtenances shall be located underground.
(2) Roof mounted.
A. All exposed conduits, plumbing lines and related appurtenances shall be painted a color that closely matches the roof materials.
B. May be placed on the main building and/or accessory building.
(3) Wall mounted.
A. All exposed conduits, plumbing lines and related appurtenances shall be painted a color that closely matches the wall’s material.
B. May be placed on the main building and/or accessory building.
C. Shall not be visible from any street right-of-way.
(f) System shall comply with all applicable building, plumbing and electrical codes.
(g) System shall be placed so that the concentrated solar radiation or glare shall not be directed onto other properties, roadways or airstrips in the vicinity.
(h) No signs, other than a warning sign or installer, owner, participating landowner, or manufacturer identification sign, may be placed on any component of a solar energy system. Maximum allowable signage to be determined by the Code Enforcement Officer.
(i) Systems shall be designed in a manner that makes them as visually unobtrusive as possible, while meeting all safety requirements.
(Ord. 16-1132. Passed 4-18-16.)