(a) No person shall operate an unconventional vehicle upon any public roadway in the Village where the posted speed limit is greater than 35 miles per hour;
(b) No person shall operate an unconventional vehicle upon any portion of U.S. Route 33 within the Village Corporation Limits. Provided, however, that the operator of an unconventional vehicle shall cross U.S. Route 33 only at the intersection where the traffic light is located at State Route 708;
(c) No person shall operate an unconventional vehicle on a sidewalk;
(d) No person shall operate an unconventional vehicle at such an unreasonably slow speed as to impede or block the normal and reasonable movement of traffic, except when stopping or reducing speed is necessary for safe operation or to comply with law;
(e) No person shall operate an unconventional vehicle within the Village of Russells Point corporation limits without obtaining a permit issued by the Village of Russells Point issued in accordance with this Chapter and Ohio Revised Code 4511.216.
(f) The owner of an unconventional vehicle shall be responsible for any actions of an operator of the owner's unconventional vehicle. An owner of an unconventional vehicle shall ensure compliance, by an operator of the owner's unconventional vehicle, with this chapter and the Ohio Revised Code.
(g) A Village employee shall be permitted to operate a utility vehicle exclusively within the boundaries of the Village for official Village business, including but not limited to the operation or maintenance of Village facilities.
(Ord. 17-1148. Passed 3-20-17. Amended by Ord. 20-1180. Passed 2-18-20.)