(a) The Board of Zoning Appeals may in specific cases vary or permit exceptions to any of the provisions of this chapter if it finds that such variation or exception will not violate the spirit or intent of this chapter and is in accordance with the general criteria for the granting of variances as stated in Chapter 1157 except in the following instances:
(1) Variances with regard to the type of sign may not be granted in Zoning Districts R-1, R-2, R-3.
(1) Zoning district of the proposed sign(s).
(2) Use-type, structural-type, area, height and location of the proposed sign(s).
(3) Visibility of proposed sign with respect to pedestrian and vehicular traffic.
(4) Illumination of the sign(s).
(5) Design of the sign(s).
(6) Unusual natural or man-made physical and/or topographic characteristics peculiar to site.
(7) The intent of this chapter.
(Ord. 04-965. Passed 7-6-04.)