A private residential swimming pool for purposes of this Chapter means any indoor or outdoor structure, chamber, or tank, containing a body of water for swimming, diving, or bathing located at a dwelling housing no more than three families and used exclusively but the residents and their non-paying guests, including spas. For the purposes of this Chapter, "dwelling" includes an individual room or individual suite of rooms at a hotel, motel, or other establishment providing temporary lodging.
   "Structure, chamber or tank" means any container that does not possess both of the following characteristics: The container is easily portable when empty; and the container is not capable of holding more than one hundred fifty gallons of water.
   "Spa" means any swimming pool that that is typically operated as a smaller, higher temperature pool for recreational and non medical uses. "Smaller" means less than five thousand gallons in volume. "Higher temperature" means greater than ninety degrees Fahrenheit.
   "Bathing" means any activity with a body of water, except for personal cleansing, religious ceremonies, medical purposes under the care of a professional certified by the Ohio state medical board pursuant to division (D))(1) of Section 4731.053 of the Ohio Revised Code.
   No private swimming pool shall be allowed in any commercial or residential district, except as an accessory use and unless it complies with the following conditions and requirements:
     (a)    The pool is intended and is to be used solely for the enjoyment of the occupants of the principal use of the property on which it is located.
      (b)    It may not be located closer than ten feet to any property line.
      (c)    The swimming pool, or the entire property on which it is located shall be walled or fenced to prevent uncontrolled access by children from the street or from adjacent properties. Said fence or wall shall be not less than four feet in height, maintained in good condition with a gate and lock in accordance with Section 1305.01, Adoption of Property Maintenance Codes, IMPC Section 303.
       (d)    Provisions shall be made for drainage of the pool into a public storm sewer, where possible, or sanitary sewer (with permission of Logan County Water Pollution Control District), unless there is a ditch or natural watercourse of sufficient size and gradient adjacent to the pool location to carry off the water satisfactorily, in which case drainage may be put into such ditch or watercourse. Permission must be obtained from the Code Enforcement Officer before the pool is drained in whole or in any substantial amount, in order to prevent overloading the sewer or ditch in times of heavy rain. In no case shall the pool be drained, directly or indirectly, into any street, adjacent property, or the lake.
      (e)    All lights used for illuminating such pool or the surrounding areas shall be so designed, located and installed as to confine the direct beams thereof to the lot or parcel on which the pool is located, and so as not to constitute a nuisance or undue annoyance to occupants of abutting property.
      (f)    Buildings, grounds, dressing rooms and all other swimming pool or family pool facilities shall be kept clean and in a sanitary condition and maintained free from garbage, trash and other refuse.
      (g)    Inflatable and portable swimming and wading pools shall be drained and stored in a suitable place from the last day of October until the first day of April of the following calendar year. (Ord. 19-1174. Passed 9-16-19.)