(A)   If the Chief of Police or his or her designee, determines that one or more of the following apply to a vendor and/or to any employee or agent of vendor who applies for a license or who is involved in door-to-door solicitation, then the Chief of Police shall deny the application and/or revoke an issued license and/or identification card(s) relating thereto, whichever action is applicable under the circumstances:
      (1)   Vendor submitted an application that contains materially false or misleading information;
      (2)   Vendor or any of vendor's employees or agents was, within 15 years prior to the date of vendor's application, convicted of a felony or misdemeanor crime of, fraud, theft, burglary, robbery, and/or any other crime against another person;
      (3)   Vendor or any of vendor's employees or agents has violated this section or has been charged with or convicted of a felony or misdemeanor crime of, fraud, theft, burglary, robbery, and/or any other crime against another person after the issuance of but prior to the expiration date of such person's license and/or identification card;
      (4)   Vendor or any of vendor's employees or agents has failed to properly display his/her identification card while engaged in door-to-door solicitation; or
      (5)   Two or more written and verified complaints have been delivered to the Police Department regarding allegedly untruthful or illegal conduct concerning vendor or vendor's employees or agents during his/her door-to-door solicitation.
   (B)   All license and/or identification card denials/ revocations shall be in writing, shall state thereon the effective date of the denial/revocation and the reason for same, and shall be served by U.S. certified mail or by personal service on vendor. A copy of the report used for denial will be provided to the affected person upon request.
   (C)   Any vendor, within 20 days from the date on which notice of such license and/or identification card denial or revocation notice is served thereon, may by written request made and delivered to the Chief of Police, or his designee, within such time period, appeal such action to the Rushville Board of Public Works. If a timely appeal is not made, the decision of the Chief of Police is final. If a timely appeal is made, Board of Works shall hear the appeal at a public hearing which shall begin no more than 20 days from the date of the receipt of the appeal request by the Chief of Police. The Board of Works shall issue its written decision on the appeal no more than ten days from the ending date of the hearing thereon, which Board of Works decision shall be final.
   (D)   No application, license or identification card fees shall be returned or refunded upon the revocation of a license and/or identification card issued pursuant to this section, all such monies being deemed forfeited.
(Ord. 2018-21, passed 9-18-2018)