For the purpose of this chapter the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   ABANDONED ANIMAL. An animal deserted or left permanently in a place without providing food, water, and shelter and/or without the permission of the property owner.
   ALTERED. An animal who has been sterilized through a spay and neuter by a veterinarian.
   AT LARGE. Off the premises of the owner/harbor and not under the control of the owner or a person 18 years or older authorized by the owner to act in the owner's behalf either by leash, chain, or other appropriate physical restraint.
   ATTACK. Intentionally biting or attempting to bite, or charging at, leaping upon, or pursuing any person or animal with evident purpose of causing bodily injury to the person or animal so that the person or animal has reasonable grounds to fear for his or her own and animal's safety. Merely barking or growling at a person or an animal does not in itself constitute an attack.
   BEAT. To unnecessarily or cruelly strike an animal, or to throw the animal against an object causing the animal to suffer severe pain or injury. The term does not include reasonable training or disciplinary techniques.
   COLONY. A group of one or more feral, or semi feral cat(s) that live together or alone in one territory, often near a food and shelter source.
   DOMESTIC ANIMAL/ANIMAL. Any animal that is a member of one of the following species: Dog, cat, pet rabbit, pet mouse, pet rat, reptile, Guinea Pig, Chinchilla, Hamster, Gerbil, Ferret.
   EUTHANASIA. A Greek term meaning "good death", the objects are met when death is induced by lethal injection of a pentobarbital sodium which causes no unreasonable pain or distress to an animal.
   FERAL. A free ranging wild-living domestic cat that avoids human contact, it does not allow itself to be handled or touched, and usually remains hidden from humans.
   IDENTIFICATION. A permanent or temporary form of identification worn by or implanted in the animal to determine the owner of the animal and includes contact information.
   KENNEL. Any premises wherein any person engages in the business of boarding, breeding, buying, letting or keeping more than three dogs for hire, training for a fee or selling.
   MUTILATE. To wound, injure, maim, or disfigure an animal by irreparably damaging the animal's body parts or to render any part of the animal's body useless, unless done by a veterinarian as a reasonable practice of treatment. The term includes bodily injury involving: Serious permanent disfigurement, serious temporary disfigurement, permanent or protracted loss or impairment of the function of a body part or organ, or a fracture.
   NEGLECT. To endanger an animal's health by failing to provide or arrange to provide the animal with sufficient nutritious food or clean water to drink if the animal is dependent upon the person for the provisions of food or water and fail to provide reasonable care for or seek veterinary care for an injury or illness to an animal that seriously endangers the life or health of the animal.
   NUISANCE. Any animal that disrupts the expected enjoyment and use of property either privately or publicly owned.
   OWNER/HARBOR. Any person, firm, or corporation who intentionally provides food, water, and/or shelter for a domestic animal for a minimum of 14 consecutive days.
   SHADE. Comparative darkness and coolness caused by large stationary objects from direct sunlight and heat.
   TETHERING. The practice of fastening an animal to a stationary object or stake as a means of keeping the animal under control, which excludes periods when an animal is walked on a leash.
   TORTURE. To inflict extreme physical pain or injury on an animal with the intent of increasing or prolonging the animal's pain or to administer poison to a domestic animal or expose a domestic animal to a poisonous substance with the intent that the domestic animal ingest the substance and suffer harm, pain, or physical injury.
   VICIOUS ANIMAL. Any animal that has without provocation attacked or threatened a human being or other animal. Any animal that by its propensity, tendency, or disposition constitutes an immediate and serious physical threat to human beings or animals, or an animal that has previously attacked or bitten humans or another animal.
(Ord. 1997-5, passed - - ; Am. Ord. 2007-13, passed 11-20-2007; Am. Ord. 2012-25, passed 11- -2012; Am. Ord. 2013-1, passed 1-2-2013; Am. Ord. 2019-03, passed 4-2-2019)