(A)   The owner of a building that is vacant and abandoned shall register the property with the Code Enforcement Officer upon receipt of an order for registration. Registration shall be on a form provided by the Code Enforcement Officer, shall be verified under penalties of perjury, and shall include the following:
      (1)   Street address of the affected property;
      (2)   The name(s), mailing address(es) and telephone(s) of the owner(s) or entities which hold an ownership, land contract, mortgage, or other lien interest in the property, and all beneficiaries of any land trust which owns the property.
      (3)   Copy of the most recently executed deed used to transfer tide to the property and the most recently prepared sales disclosure form, if available to the owner.
      (4)   Name(s) and address(es) of all person(s) or entities which hold a lien interest or a substantial property interest in the property.
      (5)   Property manager’s information, if required, name, mailing address, location address, if different from mailing address, telephone number that provides 24-hour contact to the property manager.
      (6)   Name of insurance company providing insurance coverage for the building or structure requiring registration, including the representing agent’s name, address and telephone number that provides 24-hour access.
      (7)   A written plan for maintenance and repair of the property, including:
         (a)   A schedule within which the owner anticipates completion of all repairs required to bring the building and property into compliance with this chapter and other property maintenance ordinances.
            1.   The schedule shall not exceed 30 days unless it is demonstrated to the Code Enforcement Officer that additional time is necessary to avoid undue hardship to the owner due to the quantity of work required.
            2.   The owner’s request for additional time shall be supported by relevant documentation, including, but not limited to, bids, quotes for the work, and the owner’s financial statement, based upon a financial disclosure statement.
         (b)   The owner’s schedule of plan does not relieve the owner of any order issued pursuant to the Unsafe Building Ordinance, Minimum Housing Standards Ordinance or Minimum Standards for Non-Residential Properties Ordinance
         (c)   The Code Enforcement Officer’s receipt of the plan does not constitute approval of the owner’s plan or of any violation of property maintenance ordinances.
   (B)   (1)   The owner is responsible for providing an updated registration form to the Code Enforcement Officer within five business days of any change in ownership or any information contained on the registration form.
      (2)   Failure of the owner to provide updated information within five business days of any change in the registration is a violation of this chapter.
(Ord. 2014-19, passed 9-2-2014) Penalty, see § 155.99