(A)   The Code Enforcement Office shall give notice of all proceedings before the Rushville Unsafe Building Board, to the owner of record of the affected property, and to each holder of a recorded lien against the property, as shown by the Rush County Recorder’s records. The Code Enforcement Officer shall give notice to all unknown owners, by posting a copy of the notice on the front door of each improvement situated on the affected property, or as close to the front door as practical.
   (B)   The Code Enforcement Officer shall mail, by registered or certified mail and post each required notice at least ten days prior to the date of the scheduled hearing before the Rushville Unsafe Building Board. The Code Enforcement Officer shall also publish on one occasion, at least ten days prior to the hearing, a notice of the hearing in a newspaper of general circulation in the city.
   (C)   Notice required to be mailed, posted or published under this section shall state the date, time and place of the hearing. In addition, each notice shall contain:
      (1)   The name of the owner(s), tenant(s), and other persons with legal interest in the property;
      (2)   The street address, or legal description of the premises;
      (3)   A general description of the improvements;
      (4)   A list of defects on the property; and
      (5)   A brief statement of the action to be considered by the Unsafe Building Board.
(Ord. 2015-03, passed 4-7-2015)