(A)   Definition and categorization of emergency medical services. For the purpose of this section, BASIC LIFE SUPPORT SERVICES shall be defined as any care, treatment and/or transport that does not require advanced life-support intervention.
   (B)   Fee provisions.
      (1)   The city will assess charges and/or fees for the emergency medical services administered and/or rendered, consistent with the definitions and categorizations herein, and in accordance with the following schedule of sums and amounts, all of which are assessed on a per-incident basis:
         (a)   Basic life support services - $650;
         (b)   Patient transport services - $16 per mile;
         (c)   Advanced Life Support Services 1 - $750;
         (d)   Advanced Life Support Services 2 - $950.
      (2)   The charges and fees herein shall be assessed whenever any individual or individuals is/are treated and/or transported by any emergency medical service personnel of the Rushville Fire Department.
      (3)   Any incident falling within the broad definition and category of basic life support services shall be considered an emergency medical service. Further, any individual or individuals transported by the Rushville Fire Department to any hospital, health-care facility or home, or nursing home (or individual or individuals otherwise receiving the subject emergency medical services provided by the Rushville Fire Department), shall be required to pay the fees established by this section.
   (C)   Billing and collection procedures.
      (1)   The Common Council (or its designee) shall have the authority to select, employ and supervise a professional billing/collection entity to administer the billing and collection of charges, fees and assessments generated by the provision of emergency medical services by the Rushville Fire Department.
      (2)   The Common Council (or its designee) shall have authority to develop, establish, incorporate, monitor and regulate specific rules and guidelines in furtherance of the intent and objectives of this section.
      (3)   All payments for any said emergency medical service shall be made to City of Rushville Ambulance Non-Reverting Fund.
   (D)   Waiver of fees.
      (1)   The Common Council shall appoint a committee of not less than three or more than five persons who are authorized to waive any emergency medical service fee in accordance with the "Hardship Policy".
      (2)   In any instance when the emergency medical services fee would be paid by the city group health and hospitalization insurance, the subject emergency medical services fee shall be waived.
   (E)   Non-reverting operating fund.
      (1)   The non-reverting operating fund known as the Emergency Medical Services Supplies and Equipment Non-Reverting Fund shall remain in effect until terminated or otherwise revised.
      (2)   The City Clerk-Treasurer shall be the custodian of said fund and shall maintain all records for the fund.
      (3)   All payments received by the Clerk-Treasurer for fees incurred under this section shall be deposited into said fund.
      (4)   Expenditures from this fund may be made on claim forms signed by the Chief of the Fire Department and approved by the Board of Public Works and Safety.
      (5)   All expenditures from this fund shall be for the purpose of the purchase and/or maintenance of emergency vehicles, the purchase of equipment and supplies intended for the provision of emergency medical service, the payment of compensation of emergency service personnel or emergency administrative personnel required to implement and/or maintain the emergency medical service system, the training of emergency medical service personnel/ providers and collecting any fees or debts associated with the city's emergency medical services.
      (6)   The Ambulance Non-Reverting Fund shall not revert to any other fund for any other use.
   (F)   Penalty. Any person violating this section or any provision thereof shall, upon conviction, be fined any sum not less than $500 nor more than $2,500 for each and every offense.
(Ord. 2013-27, passed 12-3-2013; Am. Ord. 2014-6, passed 5-5-2014; Am. Ord. 2018-15, passed 7-5-2018)
   Non-Reverting Operating Fund for Emergency Medical Services, Suppliesand Equipment, see 34.76