A.   Whenever a person is arrested for any violation of this title and such person is not immediately taken before a magistrate as required in section 9-9-3 or 9-9-4 of this chapter, the arresting officer shall prepare in quadruplicate written notice to appear in court containing the name and address of such person, the license number of his vehicle, if any, the offense charged, and the time and place, when and where such person shall appear in court.
   B.   The time specified in said notice to appear must be at least five (5) days after such arrest unless the person arrested shall demand an earlier hearing; provided, however, in the event of violation of time limit parking regulations, said notice to appear may specify a time for appearance of not less than twenty four (24) hours.
   C.   The place specified in said notice to appear must be before a magistrate within the city who has jurisdiction of such offense, to-wit: the court of the city.
   D.   The arrested person in order to secure release must give his written promise so to appear in court by signing at least one copy of the written notice prepared by the arresting officer. The officer shall deliver a copy of this notice to the person promising to appear, thereupon said officer shall forthwith release the person arrested from custody. (1960 Code, Sec. 7-1705)