   A.   Annual Fees; Number Issued: The annual license fees and the number of specific licenses authorized to be issued shall be as follows:
Class Of License
Annual Fee
Number Issued
Class Of License
Annual Fee
Number Issued
(Ord. 774, 12-4-2000; amd. Ord. 1026, 7-2-2018; Ord. 1032, 9-17-2018)
   B.   Proration Of Fees: The license fee for initial application shall be prorated for each month or part thereof remaining within the calendar year.
   C.   Payment Of Fee; Refunds: The fees for licenses issued as provided in subsection A of this section shall be payable in advance. All liquor license fees, including renewals, shall be paid to the Village Treasurer and a receipt therefor showing payment of such license fee shall be attached to every application for a license or for the renewal of a license to sell alcoholic liquor at retail. No application shall be considered, acted upon or granted until and unless such application for such license has been filed with the Local Liquor Control Commissioner, or a person designated by the Commissioner, and a receipt showing payment to the Village Treasurer of the license fee required by this section to be paid therefor is attached to such application. In the event the license applied for is denied, the fee shall be refunded to the applicant.
   D.   Authority To Limit Number: By separate ordinance, the Village may set a limitation upon the number of licenses to sell alcoholic liquor at retail to be issued for each classification of license. This restriction upon the number of licenses shall not limit the right to the renewal of any existing licenses nor to the issuance of a license to the purchaser of an established licensed business as a going concern, but as licenses are revoked, expire without renewal or for any reason cease to exist, then the total number of licenses for each classification shall be reduced until the total of each such class shall not exceed the number authorized by the Village.
   E.   Annexed Property: In the event that any establishment selling alcoholic liquor is hereby annexed to and becomes a part of the Village, then the various alcoholic liquor licenses as enumerated in this section shall be increased in number only in the class which the annexed establishment(s) qualifies; and provided further, that the annexed establishment holds a current valid liquor license from the governmental entity from which said establishment was annexed and from the State. If the liquor license of such an establishment selling alcoholic liquor does not correspond to one of the classifications herein, the establishment may continue only during the remainder of that calendar year of the annexation. (Ord. 774, 12-4-2000)
   A.   Permit For Current License Holders: Upon application in form prescribed by the Commissioner and investigation and payment of a permit fee of five hundred dollars ($500.00), the holder of a Class D-1 or D-2 license may be issued a permit to sell liquor as authorized by his classification outside of the permanent structure of his premises under the following conditions: (Ord. 774, 12-4-2000; amd. 2012 Code)
      1.   Sales must be made on the licensed premises as defined in original license application.
      2.   No sales will be permitted or consumption be allowed on any public property.
      3.   Notification must be given at least fourteen (14) days prior to the first day of the scheduled event.
      4.   The area used for special events must be enclosed or designated in some manner to mark the boundaries for special events use.
      5.   No liquor of any nature may be removed from the enclosed or designated boundaries for the special event.
      6.   The special events permit shall not exceed ten (10) days per calendar year for any one licensed premises.
   B.   Nonlicense Holders: Upon application in form prescribed by the local liquor control commissioner and investigation and meeting all requirements for said event, a special events permit may be issued to the following nonlicense holders: 1) village of Roxana (village sponsored event); 2) a not for profit corporation or other not for profit organization; 3) religious organization; 4) charitable organization; provided, however, that approval of a special events permit to any of the foregoing nonlicense holders shall be approved as follows:
      1.   Use of public parks or other public property is prohibited.
      2.   Fees for nonlicensed holder special events permits shall be five hundred dollars ($500.00) per day.
      3.   The total number of such event shall not exceed ten (10) days per calendar year. (Ord. 774, 12-4-2000)
   C.   Costs Of Peace Officers: The local liquor control commissioner shall, after consulting the chief of police, determine the extra costs of providing peace officers at the special event. As a condition of receiving the permit, the applicant shall pay an amount equal to one hundred twenty five percent (125%) of such estimated costs. If such costs, as determined by the chief of police, are less than the deposit, such excess shall be refunded to the applicant within thirty (30) days following the event. A refund shall not be required if the refund would be twenty five dollars ($25.00) or less. The chief of police may consider written agreements that the applicant has for security in reducing this required security fee. (Ord. 774, 12-4-2000; amd. 2012 Code)
Each license required by this chapter shall terminate at the end of the calendar year next following its issuance, except as otherwise provided, unless sooner revoked as provided in this chapter. (Ord. 774, 12-4-2000)