(A) (1) Not more than three permits may be issued under this chapter for an outdoor mass gathering of more than 10,000 people during any 12-month period for the same organizer or property.
(2) In addition, not more than three permits may be issued under this chapter for outdoor mass gathering up to 10,000 people in any 12-month period for the same organizer or property; provided, the same are adequately spaced in time to allow for the provision of fire, security, and welfare of the village and mass gathering proposed.
(3) The Board, upon request, may waive the limitations to the total number of mass gatherings for charitable events; provided, the village’s health, safety, and welfare is not impugned.
(B) An actual, or reasonably-anticipated, assembly of 1,000 or more persons which continues, or can reasonably be expected to continue, for more than 120 hours within any 12-month period within the village is prohibited, unless approved by the Village Board.
(Ord. passed 12-15-2015; Ord. passed 6-21-2016)