(A)   The Planning Commission is hereby vested with the following jurisdiction and authority within this chapter:
      (1)   To act on all applications or on its own initiative for amending the Zoning District Map and the text of this chapter, and to approve, deny, or modify applications for zoning permits, variances, and special exceptions; and
      (2)   To act on all applications for special land use permits in the same manner as by state law as set forth by state statute.
   (B)   The Commission may, upon reviewing an application for amendment or special land use and the adequacy of the information, data, maps, reports in support of the application, and upon hearing all interested parties present, act to recommend to the Village Council or request additional information regarding the application. The Commission may also require advisory reports regarding the applications from pertinent federal, state, regional, or county agencies, or other local units of government. Any such stay of proceedings found necessary or appropriate by the Commission in order to obtain additional information shall not exceed 60 days from the date of the public hearing.
   (C)   Upon approval or special land approval by the Planning Commission of a special land use application, the Zoning Administrator shall issue a special land use permit, which shall be vested with the property rather than the owner. No zoning permit or certificate of compliance shall be issued or reissued without full compliance with this chapter and the conditions of approval as set forth by the Planning Commission.
(Prior Code, § 154.373) (Ord. 48, passed 6-21-2005)