It is the intent of this section to permit the continuance of a lawful sign existing at the effective date of adoption of this section, although the sign or off-site advertising sign may not conform to the provisions of this section. It is the intent that nonconforming signs and off-site advertising signs shall be gradually eliminated and terminated upon their natural deterioration or accidental destruction. The continuance of all nonconforming signs and off-site advertising signs within the village shall be subject to the conditions and requirements set forth herein.
   (A)   The faces, supports, or other parts of any nonconforming sign or off-site advertising sign shall not be structurally changed, altered, substituted, or enlarged, unless the resultant changed, altered, substituted, or enlarged sign or off-site advertising sign conforms to the provision of this subchapter for the use it is intended, except as otherwise provided for.
   (B)   Nothing shall prohibit the repair, reinforcement, alteration, improvement, or modernizing of a lawful nonconforming sign or off-site advertising sign; provided that the repair does not exceed an aggregate cost of 50% of the appraised replacement cost, as determined by the Zoning Administrator, unless the subject sign or off-site advertising sign is changed by such repair, reinforcement, alteration, improvement, or modernizing to a conforming structure. Nothing in this section shall prohibit the periodic change of message on any off-site advertising sign.
   (C)   Any lawful nonconforming sign or off-site advertising sign damaged by fire, explosion, or an act of God, or by other accidental causes, may be restored, rebuilt, or repaired; provided that the estimated expense of reconstruction does not exceed 60% of the appraised replacement cost, as determined by the Zoning Administrator.
   (D)   Whenever the activity, business, or usage of a premises to which a sign is attached or related had been discontinued for a period of 90 days or longer, the discontinuance shall be considered conclusive evidence of an intention to abandon legally the nonconforming sign attached or related thereto. At the end of this period of abandonment, the nonconforming sign shall either be removed or altered, at the owner’s expense, to conform to the provisions of this section.
   (E)   The village may acquire any nonconforming sign or off-site advertising sign, with or without acquiring the property on which the sign or off-site advertising sign is located, by condemnation or other legal means, and may remove the sign or off-site advertising sign.
(Prior Code, § 154.323) (Ord. 48, passed 6-21-2005)