(A)   Prior to the submission of an application for PUD, the applicant shall meet with the Building Inspector and such consultants as deemed appropriate. The applicant shall present at such pre-application conference, or conferences, a sketch plan of the PUD, and the following information:
      (1)   A legal description of the property in question;
      (2)   The total number of acres to be included in the project;
      (3)   A statement of the approximate number of residential units and/or the approximate number, type, and square footage of non-residential units;
      (4)   The approximate number of acres to be occupied and/or devoted to or by each type of use;
      (5)   Departures from the minimum underlying zoning regulations which may be requested;
      (6)   The number of acres to be preserved as open space or recreation space; and
      (7)   All known natural resources and natural features.
   (B)   Applicants for PUD approval shall prepare and submit to the Building Inspector nine copies of a preliminary site plan for the PUD. The Building Inspector shall transmit a copy of this plan to the Planning Commission and the Village Board. This plan shall set forth, in general terms, the proposed uses to be developed in the PUD and the following specific information:
      (1)   The legal description of the land included in the PUD;
      (2)   A small scale location sketch of properties, streets, and uses within 300 feet of the PUD;
      (3)   A map or drawing to scale showing the conceptual layout and any existing or proposed arrangements of:
         (a)   General uses;
         (b)   Streets;
         (c)   Lots and buildings;
         (d)   Access points;
         (e)   Other transportation arrangements;
         (f)   Buffer strips; and
         (g)   Recreation and open space areas.
      (4)   A narrative describing:
         (a)   The overall objectives of the PUD;
         (b)   Number of acres allocated to each use;
         (c)   Gross densities;
         (d)   Proposed method of providing sewer and water service and other public and private utilities;
         (e)   Proposed method of providing storm drainage; and
         (f)   Phasing plan, if the final site plan approved will be developed in phases.
   (C)   The Planning Commission shall review the preliminary site plan and make recommendations to the applicant based on the requirements of this subchapter and specific site-related considerations.
      (1)   The Planning Commission shall transmit its recommendations pertaining to the preliminary site plan along with any recommended changes or modifications thereof to the applicant.
      (2)   A copy of the Planning Commission’s recommendations shall be transmitted to the Village Board. In the course of its consideration of the preliminary site plan, the Planning Commission shall call a public hearing and give such notice as required for any zoning amendments.
      (3)   After receiving the recommendation of the Planning Commission, the Village Board shall either approve, deny, or approve with conditions the PUD application and preliminary site development plan site plan in accordance with this subchapter and the standards for approval and conditions for a PUD as contained herein.
      (4)   A building permit shall not be issued until Planning Commission approval of the PUD final site development plan.
      (5)   Where provisions of the Land Division Act (formerly known as the Subdivision Control Act), Public Act 288 of 1967, being M.C.L.A. §§ 560.101 through 560.293, and/or the Condominium Act, Public Act 59 of 1978, being M.C.L.A. §§ 559.101 through 559.272, as amended, shall apply, the applicant shall thereafter submit the information and plans as may be required by Public Act 288 of 1967, being M.C.L.A. §§ 560.101 through 560.293, or Public Act 59 of 1978, being M.C.L.A. §§ 559.101 through 559.272, and all other local procedures or regulations pertaining to platting approval.
   (D)   (1)   The PUD amendment including the preliminary site development plan, as approved, and narrative, and all conditions imposed, if any, shall constitute the land use authorization for the property.
      (2)   All improvements and uses shall be in conformity with this amendment, except as otherwise permitted by this subchapter. The applicant shall record an affidavit with the County Register of Deeds, which shall contain the following:
         (a)   Date of approval of the PUD by the Village Board;
         (b)   Legal description of the property; and
         (c)   A statement that the property will be developed in accordance with the approved PUD final site development plan and any conditions imposed by the Village Board or Planning Commission unless an amendment thereto is duly approved by the village upon the request and/or approval of the applicant or applicant’s transferees and/or assigns.
   (E)   A certified copy of the affidavit shall be provided to the village.
      (1)   After receiving the PUD rezoning and preliminary site plan approval from the Village Board, the applicant shall have one year to submit a final site development plan for review and approval to the Planning Commission prior to starting any construction. This one-year limit shall apply to only the first phase or stage of development and may be extended for a period of one additional year by the Planning Commission upon finding that the PUD development has encountered unforeseen difficulties and is not ready to proceed.
      (2)   The final site development plan shall contain the same information required for the preliminary site development plan and shall contain such other information, including that listed below, unless otherwise instructed by the Planning Commission:
         (a)   Location and phasing of all buildings and structures in the PUD;
         (b)   Location and size of all water, sanitary sewer, and storm sewer lines serving the development;
         (c)   Proposed contour lines at not greater than five-foot intervals, unless otherwise stated;
         (d)   Proposed landscaping, including type, number, and size of trees and shrubs;
         (e)   Location of signs and exterior lighting;
         (f)   Location of sidewalks, footpaths, or other pedestrian walkways;
         (g)   Distance of all buildings from the lot lines, rights-of-way, and other principal buildings;
         (h)   Exterior architectural drawings noting building materials, height and area of buildings, and accessory structures; and
         (i)   Next proposed phases of the project (timing and physical extent).
   (F)   Prior to setting the public hearing, the applicant shall submit all required and requested information to the village. Once complete, the Building Inspector shall transmit the complete application to the Planning Commission. The Planning Commission shall determine a date for, and hold a public hearing for, consideration of the PUD final site development plan. Notice shall be given in accordance with special use application.
   (G)   Following the public hearing, the Planning Commission shall either approve, deny, or approve with conditions the final site plan, in writing. In making its decision, the Planning Commission shall find that the proposed PUD meets the intent of the PUD District and the standards identified above.
(Ord. passed 3-15-2016)