§ 154.212 PROCEDURE.
   (A)   All development plans for construction shall be reviewed and approved by the Planning Commission prior to the issuance of any zoning permits. Planning Commission review and approval shall include, but not be limited to, such considerations as: fire safety; ingress and egress; internal traffic circulation; location and design of structures; location of off-street parking and loading; landscaping; sign location; proposed improvements; proposed water supply; sewage and trash disposal; and drainage plans.
   (B)   The applicant shall submit adequate plans to allow detailed review of each of the above elements by the Planning Commission. In approving proposed developments, the Planning Commission shall find:
      (1)   Public health and safety has been adequately provided for in the development plans;
      (2)   A maximum effort is being made to coordinate the proposed developments with surrounding parcels including efforts, whenever possible, to coordinate ingress and egress drives, internal traffic circulation, and design features; and
      (3)   The proposed development maximizes functional compatibility with surrounding parcels and areas.
(Prior Code, § 154.212) (Ord. 48, passed 6-21-2005)