§ 152.30 VIOLATION.
   (A)   Should the Building Inspector determine that the construction is not proceeding according to the plan filed, or is in violation of any provision of this chapter or any other applicable ordinance, regulation, or law, he or she shall so notify the permit holder and further construction shall be stayed until correction has been effected and approved by the Building Inspector, upon notice and request for re-inspection duly made.
   (B)   Should the permit holder fail to comply with the requirements at any stage of construction, the Building Inspector is hereby empowered to cancel the building permit issued, and shall cause notice of the cancellation to be securely posted upon the construction. Posting of the notice shall be considered sufficient notification to the permit holder of cancellation. No further work shall be undertaken or permitted upon the construction until a valid building permit shall thereafter have been issued.
(Prior Code, § 152.30) (Ord. 17, passed 3-18-1968) Penalty, see § 10.99