(A)   At its next regular meeting after the Village Clerk has received an application for a junk yard license, the Village Council shall give consideration to the application, and at the meeting, the Village Council shall, with reference to the application, vote upon one of the following issues:
      (1)   Adjournment of final determination on the application to another regular meeting of the Village Council; provided however, that final determination shall not be adjourned more than twice successively after the first meeting at which the application was brought to the attention of the Council, and, if the Village Council shall adjourn its final determination two times successively, it shall, on the last regular meeting to which the matter has been adjourned, vote upon approval or disapproval of the application according to the provisions of division (A)(2) below; or
      (2)   Approval of the application, if the Village Council shall approve the application by a majority vote of the quorum, the Village Clerk shall prepare and mail to the applicant, within one week from, and after, the regular meeting, a certificate, which shall contain the following information in appropriate form:
         (a)   Village junk yard license;
         (b)   Full name and address of the licensee; date of issuance of the license, which shall be the date of the regular meeting of the Village Council at which the application was approved;
         (c)   Date of expiration of license, which shall be one year from, and after, the date of issuance; and
         (d)   Signature of the Village Clerk.
   (B)   And, if the majority of the quorum shall vote nay on the issue of the application, then the application shall be deemed disapproved and the license refused, and, if the applicant or his or her agent shall not have been present at the village meeting to hear the outcome of the vote, then, and in that event, the Village Clerk shall notify the applicant, by letter, that the application was disapproved and the license refused, and the applicant’s license fee shall be refunded to him or her.
(Prior Code, § 111.08) (Ord. 23, passed 3-18-1968)