(A)   Every person whose premises are served by said sewage works shall be charged for the service provided. These charges are established for each user class, as defined, in order that the sewage works shall recover, from each user and user class, revenue which is proportional to its use of the treatment works in terms of volume and loan. User charges are levied to defray the cost of operation and maintenance (including replacement) of the treatment works. User charges shall be uniform in magnitude within a user class.
   (B)   User charges are subject to the rules and regulations adopted by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency published in the Federal Register February 17, 1984 (40 C.F.R. § 35.2140). Replacement costs, which are recovered through the system of user charges, must be based upon the expected useful life of the sewage works equipment.
   (C)   The various class of users of the treatment works for the purpose of this subchapter shall be as follows: Class I:
      (1)   Residential;
      (2)   Commercial;
      (3)   Governmental;
      (4)   Institutional; and
      (5)   Industrial.
(2000 Code, § 11-11)  (Ord. 1989-08, passed - -1989; Ord. 2001-04, passed 7-10-2001; Ord. 2002-04, passed 2-12-2002; Ord. 2003-03, passed 8-12-2003; Ord. 2004-02, passed 4-14-2004; Ord. 2008-03, passed 7-15-2008; Ord. 2002-4, passed 5-12-2012)