(A)   The Superintendent and/or Town Council shall develop a written administrative procedure for the formal application of new wastewater service connections, for constructing, repairing, or modifying a new or existing service connection.
   (B)   Applications for a new wastewater service connection or for the modification of an existing wastewater service connection shall be filed as prescribed in a published administrative procedure for the application of wastewater service connections. The application for wastewater service shall, as a minimum, contain the following information:
      (1)   Name and address of customer or owner and the name and telephone number of the person to contact regarding the application;
      (2)   Description of the property, including address and lot number;
      (3)   Identify the type and size of the development;
      (4)   State the type of service requested, such as residential, commercial, industrial, or institutional;
      (5)   State the number of proposed units or number of employees; and
      (6)   State the total expected demand for water and sanitary sewer service.
   (C)   In the case of a request for service other than a single residential house, a plan shall be submitted to include the following:
      (1)   Tract boundary and acreage;
      (2)   Proposed streets, drives, and lots;
      (3)   Proposed land use and zoning designations;
      (4)   Location of existing public water and sewer mains;
      (5)   Location of requested water and sewer services;
      (6)   Adjacent existing roads; and
      (7)   North arrow.
(2000 Code, § 11-14)  (Ord. 2001-8, passed 12-27-2001)