Ord. No.   Date   Description
162   8-28-45   Appropriates twelve parcels for municipal office building, public library and war memorial.
174   12-11-45   Appropriates three parcels for municipal office building, public library and war memorial.
186   2-26-46   Authorizes purchase of land for dumping refuse.
269   1-13-48   Authorizes purchase from Garnet M. Knight for contemplated civic center.
306   9-27-49   Authorizes purchase of part of Lots 21 and 22 in Eagle Point Subdivision.
309   10-25-49   Authorizes sale of parcel in Lot 21 (1.36 acres) in Eagle Point Subdivision.
358   2-13-51   Authorizes purchase of part of Lot 35 in Eagle Point Hills.
359   2-13-51   Authorizes purchase of part of Lot 36 in Eagle Point Hills.
367   6-12-51   Authorizes sale of part of Lot 21 in Eagle Point Subdivision.
424   10-13-53   Authorizes purchase of Lot 2 of Halstead Heights for park purposes and baseball field.
446   1-12-55   Authorizes sale of Inlots 364 and 365.
523   11-14-60   Authorizes purchase of part of Lot 114 from Barker.
524   11-14-60   Authorizes purchase of part of Lot 262 from Enderbury.
543   10-23-61   Authorizes title transfer to Rossford Public Library.
579   10-26-64   Authorizes sale of part of Lot 21, Eagle Point Subdivision.
590   12-13-65   Authorizes sale of part of Lot 318.
Res. 308   10-12-70   Authorizes purchase of part of Lot 314 in the City.
726   8-10-70   Exchanges part of Lot 318 with Board of Education for Lots 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 274, 275, 276, 277, 278 and 279.
739   11-23-70   Authorizes purchase of part of Lot 314 in the City.
834   6-12-72   Authorizes sale of Lot 392, Eagle Farm Addition.
915   10-8-73   Authorizes sale of Lots 1 and 2 Dixford, an addition to Ross Township.
930   12-17-73   Authorizes execution of deed of sale for Lots 1 and 2, Dixford an addition to Ross Township.
1420   1-12-81   Accepts deed to 2 parcels of land totaling 11.35 acres on NE side of Dixie Highway west of Colony Rd.
1483   10-12-81   Authorizes execution of quit-claim deed to Tillie Paulocsak for 0.871 acres as part of consideration for transfer of Island View Park realty.
1876   2-22-87   Authorizes exchange of property abutting Beech Street with Mary Aftanas.
2035   8-13-90   Authorize sale of lots 274 and 275.
2064   12-17-90   Authorizes sale of the “Pond property” in Section 26, Town 3, United States Reserve.
2092   5-13-91   Extends payment date on sale authorized by Ord. 2064.
93-038   7-20-93   Authorizes purchase of Libbey-Owens-Ford Corp. Plant II Building and 34 acres.
95-006   2-13-95   Approves transfer of property to Rossford First Baptist Church.
99-020   4-12-99   Accepts conveyance of Project Property from Rossford Arena Amphitheater Authority for real estate tax exemption for site improvements.
99-040   7-12-99   Authorizes conveyance of certain property to Rossford Arena Amphitheater Authority.
2002-15   6-24-02   Approving the purchase of a 10 acre pond parcel of land and the purchase of an easement over and across adjacent parcels of land.
amended   5-27-03   Approves purchase of 1 acre from Rossford Arena Amphitheater and Rossford Transportation Improvement District for construction of fire station.
2009-38   9-28-09   Accepting a Director’s deed from the State of Ohio for certain real estate located in Town 3, River Tract 84, United States Reserve and being located on the left/westerly side of Interstate Route 75.
2010-27   5-10-10   Authorizing the administration to petition the Wood County Court of Common Pleas to forfeit certain real estate to the City of Rossford.
2014-22   6-23-14   Authorizing the purchase of the real estate located at 7800 Wales Road and accepting a deed from the titled property owners for said real estate.
2014-30   6-23-14   Accepting a donation of the real estate located at 213 Bacon St.
2014-69   10-27-14   Authorizing the purchase of the real estate located at 1200 North Dixie Highway and accepting a deed from the titled property owners for said real estate to the City of Rossford.
2016-07   3-28-16   Authorizes the City Administrator to take the steps necessary to purchase O Lime City Road for two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00).
2016-08   3-28-16   Authorizing the administration to convey certain real property to the Wood County Port Authority.
2017-05   2-13-17   Authorizing the City to accept title to certain property and to transfer title to the property back to the prior owner in connection with a tax increment financing transaction.
2018-33   6-11-18   Authorizing the administration to take the necessary steps to purchase 517 Superior St.
2020-48   8-10-20   Authorizing the administration to convey certain real property on Osborn Street to the Wood County Port Authority.
2021-24   5-24-21   Authorizing the administration to take the necessary steps to purchase 545 Glenwood Road.
2021-35   7-28-21   Authorizing the Administration to take the necessary steps to purchase 545 Glenwood Road.
2021-49   11-30-21   Authorizing the Administration to take the necessary steps to execute a real estate purchase agreement for 525 Glenwood Road.
2022-08   2-28-22   Authorizing the Administration to take the necessary steps to purchase 313 Beech Street.
2022-09   2-28-22   Authorizing the Administration to take the necessary steps to purchase 513 Superior Street.
2022-20   5-23-22   Authorizing the Administration to take the necessary steps to purchase a portion of 640 Dixie Highway, Tax Parcel No. T68-300-800115038000.
2022-38   7-11-22   Authorizing the Administration to take the necessary steps to purchase 155 Superior Street, Tax Parcel No. T68-300-820106004000.
2023-32   5-8-23   Authorizing the Administration to take the necessary steps to purchase a certain parcel of real estate described as parcel No. 18-76051.
2023-39   5-22-23   Authorizing the Administration to take the necessary steps to purchase certain parcels of real estate:
            28431 Lime City Road, Tax Parcel No. T68-400-030000001000
            0 Lime City Road, Tax Parcel No. T68-400-030000005000
            0 Avenue Road, Tax Parcel No. T68-400-030000057000
            0 Avenue Road, Tax Parcel No. T68-400-030000056000
            0 Lime City Road, Tax Parcel No. T68-400-030000008000
            0 Lime City Road, Tax Parcel No. T68-400-030000006000
            0 Lime City Road, Tax Parcel No. T68-400-030000004000
            28407 Lime City Road, Tax Parcel No. T68-400-030000002000
            0 Lime City Road, Tax Parcel No. T68-400-030000003000
            0 Lime City Road, Tax Parcel No. T68-400-030000007000
2023-88   12-11-23   Authorizing the administration to take the necessary steps to purchase a certain parcel of real estate located at the intersection of Lime City Road and St. Rt. 795.
2024-02   1-22-24   Authorizing the administration to convey certain real property to the Wood County Port Authority.