No person in charge or control of any vehicle shall:
   (a)   So rapidly accelerate or decelerate the vehicle that the exhaust system emits a loud cracking or chattering noise unusual to its normal operation at a constant speed; or
   (b)   Operate the vehicle at any time or under any condition of load, acceleration or deceleration in such a manner as to exceed the following noise limits for the category of vehicle, based on a distance of not less than fifty feet from the center line of travel:
Type of Vehicle
Noise Limit in Relation
To Posted Speed Limit
35 MPH or less
Over 35 MPH
Any motor vehicle with a manufacturer’s GVW rating of 10,000 lbs. or more.

86 dbA

90 dbA
Any passenger car, light truck, or bus with a manufacturer’s GVW rating under 10,000 lbs.

76 dbA

82 dbA
Any motorcycle
82 dbA
86 dbA
Any snowmobile, mini-bike, go-cart, or other off-highway vehicle not described above
82 dbA
82 dbA
(Ord. 99-037. Passed 7-12-99.)