(a)    To provide funds for the purposes of general municipal operations, maintenance, new equipment, extension and enlargement of municipal services and facilities, including recreation and capital improvements of the City of Rossford, there shall be, and is hereby, levied a tax on salaries, wages, commissions and other compensation, and on net profits as hereinafter provided at the rate of two and one-quarter percent (2-l/4).
   (b)    That the following permanent municipal funds are hereby established:
      (1)    General Fund, which shall include the Safety and Service Funds
      (2)    Permanent Recreation Fund
      (3)    Bond Retirement Fund
      (4)    Street Light Fund
      (5)    Street Construction, Maintenance and Repair Fund
      (6)    State Highway Improvement Fund
      (7)    Finance - City Income Tax Fund
      (8)    Permanent Improvement Fund
      (9)    Recreation Fund
      (10)    Water Operating, Maintenance and Replacement Fund
      (11)    Sanitary Sewer Operating, Maintenance and Replacement Fund
      (12)    Marina Fund
      (13)    Fire Capital Improvement Fund
      (14)    Federal General Revenue Sharing Fund.
         (Ord. 1897. Approved by voters 11-8-88.)