Article VI
Committees of the Board of Trustees
   Section 1.    Executive Committee. An Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees, consisting of the President, Vice-President, or Vice-Presidents, Secretary, Treasurer, Executive Director, and up to four trustees (or any such other member as may subsequently be fixed by resolution of the Board of Trustees) nominated by the President and appointed thereto by the Board, shall exercise all powers and have all duties that it may lawfully exercise or possess and shall function, in its discretion, between meetings of the Board of Trustees and while such Board is not in session. Each member of the Executive Committee appointed by the Board shall serve for a term of two years or until his or her earlier removal by the Board, resignation, or death. Except for a vacancy in the office of Trustee any vacancy on the Executive Committee shall be filled by selection by the President and appointment by the Board.
   Action by the Executive Committee may be taken at a meeting at which a majority of the members are present by a majority vote of those present. Meetings of the Executive Committee may be held at any time upon call of the President or any two members of the Executive Committee as prescribed in Section 2 of Article V hereof for special meetings of the Board of Trustees, and such meetings shall be held at such place, within or without the State of Ohio, as such Committee may determine and specified in the notice thereof.
   Section 2.    Long-Range Finance Committee. A Long-Range Finance Committee of the Board of Trustees, consisting of those trustees nominated by the President and appointed thereto by the Board, shall supervise the annual budget of the RCRAC and prepare the projected budget for the next fiscal year.
   Section 3.    Nominating Committee. A Nominating Committee of the board of Trustees, consisting of those trustees nominated by the President and appointed thereto by the Board, shall make recommendations to the Board of Trustees with respect to possible candidates for Trustee, Associate Trustees and Honorary Trustees of the RCRAC. This Committee shall also present officer nominations to the Board of Trustees. Recommendations for the office of Trustee shall be forwarded to the Mayor for appointment as provided in Article IV, Section 1.