Article IV
   Section 1.    Number and Appointment. The trustees of the RCRAC shall be nine in number. Trustees shall be appointed by the Mayor of the City of Rossford, subject to confirmation by the majority vote of the Council of the City of Rossford, said appointments shall generally be made from, but not limited to, recommendations of the RCRAC.
   Section 2.    Term of Office. A trustee shall hold office for the term of office designated for him or her by the Mayor of Rossford, or until he or she is removed therefrom or until his or her earlier resignation or death.
   Section 3.    Vacancies. Vacancies on the Board of Trustees shall be filled by a candidate selected by the Mayor of the City of Rossford and approved by the Rossford City Council.
   Section 4.    Removal. Trustees shall hold office during the pleasure of the Mayor of the City of Rossford. A trustee can be removed from office at any time, with or without cause, by notice from the Mayor.
   Section 5.    Associate Trustees. The Board of Trustees may appoint up to ten persons as Associate Trustees to assist in its work and provide special skills for RCRAC programs. Associate Trustees shall be appointed for two years without limit to the number they may serve. Associate Trustees shall attend meetings of the Board of Trustees and may participate freely in its discussions. Associate Trustees shall neither vote, not hold office, but may join or chair the Executive, Long-Range Finance, and Nominating Committees of the Board of Trustees (as non-voting members) if nominated by the President and appointed thereto by the Board of Trustees. Associate Trustees may participate as full voting members on any other committees of the RCRAC to which they have been duly appointed by the President.
   Section 6.    Honorary Trustees. The Board of Trustees may appoint Honorary Trustees from the general public or its own membership. Honorary Trustees may attend meetings of the Board of Trustees and participate freely in its discussions. Unless they are regularly appointed trustees, Honorary Trustees shall neither vote, not hold office, but may join or chair the Executive, Long Range Finance, and Nominating Committees of the Board of Trustees (as non-voting members) if nominated by the President and appointed thereto by the Board of Trustees. Honorary Trustees may participate as full voting members on any other committees of the RCRAC to which they have been duly appointed by the President.
   Section 7.    Compensation. The trustees, as such, shall not receive any salary for their services. Nothing herein contained shall be construed to preclude any trustee from serving the RCRAC in any other capacity and receiving compensation thereof so long as such compensation does not violate the Ethics Laws of the State of Ohio relating to public officials.
   Section 8.    By-Laws. For the Government of its actions, the Board of Trustees may adopt by-laws consistent with the Articles of Incorporation and these Regulations.
   Section 9.    Forfeiture for Absence. A regular or Associate Trustee who fails to attend three consecutive meetings of the Board of Trustees without proper excuse as approved by the President shall be asked to resign.