(a)   There shall be four categories of persons eligible for membership in the Rossford Community Recreation Center as follows:
      (1)   Rossford Resident. This shall include all persons that reside within the City limits of Rossford and all students that attend school in the Rossford Exempted School District and All Saints School.
         (Ord. 2017-13. Passed 2-13-17.)
      (2)   Qualified Nonresident. This includes persons working in Rossford but not residing within the City limits or persons owning a business in Rossford but not residing within the City limits.
      (3)   Nonresident. This includes persons not named in subsection (a)(1) or (2) above.
      (4)   Business or corporate. This includes all business entities regardless of residence status.
   (b)   Such membership shall be available to individuals or to families, with different classifications based on age and family status of the individual(s). The classifications will be as follows:
      (1)   Youth. Any child/teen up to and including 18 year olds (still attending high school).
      (2)   Adult. Any individual who is 18 years or older (not still attending high school).
      (3)   Family. Any individuals residing in the same household who are immediate relatives through blood and/or marriage (parents and child(ren) under18).
      (4)   Seniors. Any individual that is 55 years or older.
      (5)   Senior Couples. Any married couple where both individuals are 55 years or older. (Ord. 2011-53. Passed 11-28-11.)
   (c)   Membership fees are established as follows for the different categories and classifications effective January 1, 2015. All memberships will be an all-inclusive membership, incorporating use of the track, gymnasium, fitness rooms/equipment, and member discount on programs/services. The fees are as follows:
Bank Draft*
Youth Resident
Youth Qualified Nonresident
Youth Nonresident
Adult Resident
Adult Qualified Nonresident
Adult Nonresident
Family Resident
Family Qualified Nonresident
Family Nonresident
Senior Resident
Senior Qualified Nonresident
Senior Nonresident
Senior Couples Resident
Senior Couples Qualified Nonresident
Senior Couples Nonresident
   * Annual Bank Draft has a 10% service fee built into cost and represents a minimum 12-month commitment.
(Ord. 2014-70. Passed 11-10-14.)
   (d)   In addition to the individual and family rates described in the table above, the following rates will apply to Businesses and Corporations seeking to enroll in our Corporate Wellness Program:
   The Parks & Recreation Director is granted the authority to negotiate customized Corporate Discounts ranging from 10-15% off standard Recreation Center membership prices with authorized administrative personnel representing companies/organizations. Discounts applied will be determined by the following:
      (1)   If the company is located within Rossford City limits;
      (2)   The size of the company (number of PT and FT employees);
      (3)   The number of participating employees that plan to enroll as new members to the RCRC;
      (4)   If the company also chooses to get involved as a Corporate Sponsor in addition to being a Corporate Partner.
         (Ord. 2011-53. Passed 11-28-11.)
   (e)   The Administration continues to be authorized to set program user fees and rental rates based on the recommendation of the Recreation Director in addition to those fees described above. (Ord.2008-51. Passed 10-27-08.)