As used in this chapter:
(a) "Pregnancy termination" means the use of any means or instrumentality whatsoever with intent to cause the death of a fetus upon a woman known to be pregnant.
(b) "Termination facility" means a clinic, physician's office or any other place or facility other than a hospital in which first trimester pregnancy terminations are performed.
(c) "Board" means the Board of Health of the City of Rossford.
(d) "Comparable surgical facility" means any clinic, physician's office or any other place or facility other than a hospital where surgical procedures other than pregnancy terminations are performed with morbidity or mortality risk to the patient comparable to that of a particular method or technique of pregnancy termination.
(e) "First trimester pregnancy" means the first twelve weeks of gestation commencing with ovulation rather than computed on the basis of the menstrual cycle.
(f) "Hospital" means an institution or place where sick or injured persons are given medical or surgical care, and which is registered as a hospital with the Department of Health of the State of Ohio pursuant to the provisions of Ohio R.C. 3701.07.
(g) "Medical counseling" means description of the pregnancy termination procedure, description of the particular medical risks incurred through the particular pregnancy termination procedure employed and the name of the physician who is to perform the pregnancy termination.
(h) "Physician" means any person currently certified to practice medicine or surgery, or osteopathic medicine or surgery, by the State of Ohio Medical Board, pursuant to the provisions of Ohio R.C. 4731.14.
(i) "Fetus" means a human being from fertilization until birth.
(Ord. 1357. Passed 2-25-80.)
(j) "Viable" means a fetus when, in the best medical judgment of the attending physician, on the particular facts of the case before him, there is a reasonable likelihood of the unborn fetus' sustained survival outside the womb of the mother, with or without artificial support.
(Ord. 1377. Passed 3-10-80.)