All regular full-time employees, whether salaried or on an hourly basis, shall receive sick leave credits which shall accumulate at one and one-fourth days per month of service. Sick leave credits may be accumulated up to a total of 120 days. An employee who transfers from another public agency to the City shall be credited with the unused balance of his accumulated credits upon proper certification up to a maximum of 120 days.
An employee requesting sick leave credit shall furnish to the Municipal Administrator and such employee’s department head, a satisfactory written and signed statement on forms provided by the City, to justify the use or receipt of any accumulated credits. Such statement shall be accompanied by a certification of a licensed physician stating the nature of the illness. Unless such statement is filed as herein required, such employee shall not be entitled to sick leave credit. Falsification of either a written signed statement or a physician’s certificate shall be sufficient grounds for immediate dismissal. This section does not interfere with existing unused sick leave credit balances as maintained by the City.
(Ord. 1010. Passed 3-10-75.)