(a) "Impervious Surface" means an area that releases as runoff all or a majority of the precipitation that falls on it. "Impervious surface" excludes frozen soil but includes rooftops, sidewalks, driveways, parking lots, and streets unless specifically designed, constructed, and maintained to be pervious.
(b) For existing impervious surfaces that were lawfully placed when constructed but that do not comply with the impervious surface standard in section 1133.02, the property owner may do any of the following:
(1) Maintain and repair the existing impervious surfaces;
(2) Replace existing impervious surfaces with similar surfaces that meet applicable setbacks;
(3) Relocate or modify an existing impervious surface with similar or different impervious surface, provided that the relocation or modification does not result in an increase in the percentage of impervious surface that existed on the effective date of this ordinance.
(c) Prior to construction or installation of any impervious surface a zoning permit as provided by Section 1102.02 is required.
(Ord. 2013-42. Passed 9-23-13.)