(a)    The control of sediment pollution of sensitive areas by accelerated erosion from earth disturbing activity may require additional erosion and sediment control practices beyond those indicated in this Chapter. In such instances the developer/owner shall analyze potential impacts, potential erosion, and sediment control practices.
   (b)    Such analysis shall identify the following:
      (1)    Sensitive areas that receive drainage from the proposed development.
      (2)    Existing water uses and biological characteristics of receiving waters.
      (3)    The probability of sediment reaching sensitive areas.
      (4)    The percentage of the sensitive area's contributing drainage area that is proposed for the earth disturbing activity.
   (c)    Information gained by the analysis shall be incorporated into the erosion and sediment control plan, and taken into consideration by the City during the review process. The City Engineer shall make the final decision concerning the limits of any sensitive area.
(Ord. 2012-38. Passed 8-27-12.)