(a)   All expenditures by the Municipality exceeding fifty thousand dollars ($50,000) shall be authorized by ordinance, unless otherwise provided by law.
   (b)   Except as provided in subsection (c), contracts involving an expenditure exceeding fifty thousand dollars ($50,000) shall be made by the competitive bidding procedures set forth in subsection (d) hereof.
(Ord. 2019-15. Passed 4-8-19.)
   (c)   Competitive bidding shall not be required when:
      (1)   The contract involves the purchase of personal or professional services;
      (2)   The contract is immediately necessary due to an emergency and Council makes such a finding in the ordinance or resolution authorizing the contract;
      (3)   The contract is made with another governmental agency or with a not-for- profit corporation certified as exempt from taxation under federal law;
      (4)   The goods are only reasonably available from a single source or supplier; or
      (5)   Council makes a finding that it is in the best interest of the City to dispense with competitive bidding which finding is made in the ordinance or resolution authorizing the contract.
   (d)   The following procedures shall constitute the City’s competitive bidding procedures:
      (1)   Council shall, by motion, authorize the administration to proceed.
      (2)   The administration shall advertise for bids in accordance with the City Charter (Article III, Section 12.0(D)).
      (3)   The administration shall report the bids received with its recommendation to Council.
      (4)   Council shall, by ordinance, award and direct the administration to make the contract with the lowest responsive and responsible bidder as Council determines in its sole discretion.
      (5)   The administration shall then execute the contract on behalf of the Municipality. The administration shall cause to be included in the contract such terms and conditions as it deems to be in the best interest of the Municipality and not in derogation of the authorizing ordinance or resolution.
   (e)   Whenever the Municipality advertises for and receives bids for any contract, it may reject any or all bids.
   (f)   The failure of the administration to adhere to the procedures set forth in subsection (d) hereof shall not prevent Council from awarding the contract to the party with whom Council deems most appropriate.
(Ord. 97-030. Passed 5-27-97.)