(a)   Any turbine erected on a parcel of land will need to establish a “clear fall zone” from all neighboring property lines and structures. A turbine will need to be erected and placed in such a manner that if it were to fall, whatever direction the fall occurs would be contained solely on the property where the turbine is located, and would not strike any off property structures including the primary dwelling, and any accessory buildings or uses.
      (1)   Where “clear fall zones” are not located solely on the property where the turbine is located a recordable easement shall be required.
   (b)   The turbine, including the prop blades, turbine, cowling, and tower shall be painted or coated white, gray, or sky blue. Logos or other identification markers other than those of the manufacturer and model type shall not be permitted anywhere on the turbine.
   (c)   Wind turbines must be maintained in good working order. Turbines that become inoperable for more than six (6) months must be removed by the owner within thirty (30) days of issuance of zoning violation. Removal includes removal of all apparatuses, supports (excluding below grade foundations), and/or other hardware associated with the existing turbine.
   (d)   Zoning permits shall be required before construction can commence on an individual wind turbine system.
   (e)   The applicant shall provide the City with the following items and/or information as part of the application:
      (1)   A site plan showing the location of the unit in relation to existing structures on the property, roads, and other public rights of way, neighboring properties, total size, height, and decibel ratings of the unit.
      (2)   Evidence of a “clear fall zone” with the manufacturer’s recommendation must be attached to the engineering report.
      (3)   If the “clear fall zone” is not located solely on the property where the turbine is located, permission of the abutting property owner(s) together with a recordable easement(s) depicting such agreement is required. Any such easement(s) shall be recorded by the Zoning Inspector at the applicant’s expense upon the issuing of the zoning permit.
      (4)   The color of the unit, as well as the location and size of the manufacturer’s identifying logo shall be included in the plan.
      (5)   A maintenance schedule, as well as a dismantling plan, that outlines how the unit will be dismantled shall be required as part of the application.
      (6)   Evidence of the manufacturer’s specification on the decibel rating of the proposed unit.
         (Ord. 2009-43. Passed 11-9-09.)