(a)    All necessary facilities, including underground pipe, inlets, catch basins, or open drainage ditches shall be installed to provide for the adequate disposal of surface water and to maintain any natural course.
   (b)   Drainage ditches shall be enclosed when the enclosure is equivalent in capacity to forty-eight (48) inches in diameter or less. Such enclosures shall be constructed, installed, and paid for by the subdivider. All other drainage ditches in the subdivision shall be realigned, widened, and/or deepened to accommodate storm water run off from the subdivision. All structures shall be enclosed within the new street right-of-way. Such enclosures shall be adequate to handle the storm drainage and shall be constructed, installed, and paid for by the subdivider.
   (c)    Storm hydraulic grade lines shall be based on estimated run-off conditions in the watershed, ten (10) years from the time improvements are made.
(Ord. 2008-06. Passed 4-14-08.)