The following requirements shall govern sanitary sewer improvements:
   (a)    Where an adequate public sanitary sewer system is reasonably accessible in the determination of the Planning Commission, public sanitary sewers shall be installed to adequately serve all lots, including all lateral connections to the public system. Public sewer system extensions shall meet the requirements of the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency, City, and County standards. Combinations of sanitary sewers and storm drains shall be prohibited.
   (b)    Where a public sanitary sewer system is not reasonably accessible and the lots are less than one (1) acre, the subdivider shall provide a central treatment plant for the subdivision in accordance with State and Wood County Board of Health requirements. Such a plant, where practicable, shall be designed so it can be integrated into approved sanitary sewers when public sewers are installed.
   (c)    Septic tanks may be used for lots of one (1) acre or more in an area if soil percolation tests, as prescribed by the appropriate Board of Health, have indicated a reasonably useful life for such disposal methods. Other methods of disposal may be approved by the appropriate Board of Health.
   (d)    Subject to approval of the appropriate Board of Health, septic tanks may be used in lots with less than one (1) acre when the plat is in an area that can expect trunk sewers to be extended to it within a two (2) year period, as determined by the Director of Public Service, but sanitary lateral sewers serving each lot, properly installed and blocked off, shall be provided.
      (Ord. 2008-06. Passed 4-14-08.)