1153.11 EASEMENTS.
   (a)    Whenever any stream or surface drainage course is located in an area that is being subdivided, the subdivider shall dedicate an adequate easement along each side thereof for the purpose of widening, deepening, sloping, improving, maintaining, or protecting the same for drainage, parkway, or recreational use.
   (b)    Utility easements of at least five (5) feet in width shall be provided on each side of all rear lot lines and along side lot lines where sideline easements are necessary for poles, wires, conduits, storm and sanitary sewers, gas, water, or other mains. Utility easements of greater width may be required along or across lots where necessary for extension of the main sewers or other utilities or where both water and sewer lines are located in the easement, a two (2) foot easement shall be required on the one side of an alley to accommodate any pole lines.
(Ord. 2008-06. Passed 4-14-08.)