The minimum dimensions and other characteristics of lots intended for residential, commercial or industrial use are as follows:
(a) When two (2) rules apply to a subdivision or lot, that rule shall govern which requires the greater lot size or lot dimension.
(b) When a subdivision is located within a zoning district of the City, the minimum area and dimensions of lots shall be no less than is required by the Zoning Ordinance.
(c) A minimum lot size of fourteen thousand (14,000) square feet shall be provided when public water is available but public sanitary sewers are not provided.
(d) A minimum lot size of twenty thousand (20,000) square feet shall be provided when neither public water nor sanitary sewers are available.
(e) In no case shall a lot have a width at the building line of less than seventy (70) feet or a lot size of less than nine thousand (9,000) square feet, and the depth-to-width ratio shall be at a maximum of 3.5 to 1.
(f) Corner lots, intended for residential use, shall have extra width sufficient for maintenance of building lines on both streets. The minimum width of such lots shall be seventy (70) feet and the minimum building line from both streets shall be as required in the Zoning Ordinance for such area, but the Planning Commission may reduce this distance along the side of a lot adjoining a minor street.
(g) All lots shall be designed to provide desirable building sites, properly related to topography, high water levels, and surrounding streets, railroads, watercourses, and land use. A larger lot size than set out in subsections (a) to (e) inclusive herein, may be required in particular cases in order to meet the desirable requirements for the subdivided area.
(h) Building lines shall be established on all plots but in no case shall the building line be closer to the street right-of-way than twenty-five (25) feet, or some greater distance as required by applicable zoning standards.
(i) All lots shall abut on a public street or on a permanently reserved place approved by the Planning Commission as the principal means of access to abutting property.
(j) Side lines of lots shall be approximately at right angles or radial to the street line.
(k) Lot areas computed for the purpose of meeting minimum requirements described above shall not include lands dedicated for use as street or road rights-of-way, or other public use.
(l) All lots shall have a minimum setback, or building line, of twenty-five (25) feet from the right-of-way, except where the zoning requires a greater amount. In such case, the greater of the two (2) shall be required.
(m) Grading: All lots shall be graded so that all storm water will drain therefrom directly into the appropriate storm water facility. The minimum ground elevation at the building site for all lots in a Flood Plain, or adjacent thereto or affected by a Flood Plain area, shall be at a minimum elevation of one (1) foot above the estimated High Water Level, and said lots shall be graded to the estimated High Water Level before final acceptance of the improvements required by this section. The minimum ground elevation at the building site shall be designated on the plat.
(Ord. 2008-06. Passed 4-14-08.)